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Chelation Therapy: How it Works and Affects Your Body

Writer's picture:  Dr. Collins Dr. Collins

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

In today's modern world, heavy metal poisoning has become a prevalent health concern, with up to 60% of chronic diseases linked to it. Despite our bodies being composed of 70% water and numerous other substances, the accumulation of toxic metals like arsenic, mercury, or lead can lead to severe long-term health issues. In response to this growing problem, chelation therapy treatment has proved to be a compelling treatment method for removing harmful metallic substances from the body. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricate workings of IV chelation treatment, exploring its mechanisms, benefits, and safety considerations.

Book an Appointment with Dr.Collins For all Chelation Therapy related concerns.

What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation Therapy

At its core, chelation therapy is a process that removes heavy metals from the body. The term "chelation" refers to the binding of chelating agents, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), to toxic metals, forming stable, water-soluble complexes that can be easily excreted from the body. Administered through intravenous infusion, oral capsules, or custom compounded suppositories, EDTA is a synthetic amino acid that has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in binding to a wide range of toxic metals.

The Mechanism Behind Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy

Diagnosing heavy metal overload typically involves conducting urine tests before and after chelation therapy. These tests are a reliable indicator of metal toxicity levels, even in cases where blood metal levels appear normal. During chelation therapy sessions, patients receive intravenous injections containing EDTA, which binds with toxic metals in the body. These complexes are subsequently excreted via urine, effectively reducing the body's burden of toxic metals. The chelation IV treatment typically consists of 20 to 60 sessions, each lasting several hours to ensure comprehensive metal removal.

Chelation at the Cellular Level

Chelation operates at the molecular level, where chelating agents like EDTA bind to metal ions to form stable complexes. EDTA's unique ability to form 1:1 metal-to-EDTA complexes makes it an ideal candidate for chelation therapy. Once bound, these complexes are rendered biologically inactive and are readily eliminated from the body through urine, ensuring thorough detoxification.

Chelation at the Anatomical Level

Upon administration intravenously, the chelating agent EDTA is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it disseminates throughout the body. As EDTA reaches organs and soft tissues, it binds to toxic metals, sequestering them for subsequent excretion in the urine through the kidneys.

Is chelation therapy safe?

Given the intricacies of chelation therapy, treatment must be administered under the supervision of experienced healthcare practitioners. Regular monitoring of renal function and mineral levels is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment. Additionally, managing fluid levels is crucial to prevent complications such as fluid overload.

Before undergoing chelation therapy, patients discuss their medical history, including possible exposure to environmental toxins, with Dr. Collins. After performing a comprehensive series of blood tests and reviewing their vital physical measurements, current medications, diet, and lifestyle, the patient receives their first dose of EDTA intravenously and collects their urine for 24 hours, which includes their first chelated heavy metals for analysis. 

Chelation therapy side effects

Chelation therapy can be safe when used correctly and for the right reasons. However, there are some common side effects to be aware of.

The most common side effect is a burning sensation in the area where you receive the IV. Additionally, you may experience symptoms like fever, headache, and nausea or vomiting.

Hypoglycemia symptoms can occur if the Di-Na EDTA form is used and infused too quickly.

The drugs in chelation for heavy metals can bind to and remove certain metals your body needs, such as calcium, copper, and zinc. This can result in a deficiency of these essential substances. Some individuals who undergo chelation therapy may also experience low calcium levels in the blood and kidney damage. It's important to discuss these potential side effects with your healthcare provider before undergoing chelation therapy.

Signs and Symptoms of Abnormal Metal Levels

The symptoms of heavy metal poisoning differ depending on the type of metal involved. Arsenic, iron, lead, and mercury are among the most common metals associated with poisoning, each presenting distinct symptoms and sources of exposure. From gastrointestinal issues and neurological symptoms to the destruction of red blood cells, heavy metal poisoning can manifest in a myriad of ways. This reiterates the importance of early detection and intervention.

Benefits of iv chelation treatment

Chelation therapy offers a host of benefits beyond detoxification, including rapid cellular nutrition when it is mixed with IV mineral and nutrient formulas.

Recent NIH studies point toward using these formulas when including EDTA, statistically significantly reducing mortality from Cardiovascular Disease.

Chelation therapy treatment and its benefits have been proven scientifically in several toxicity cases, including:

‣ Direct and rapid cellular nutrition: Many cases of heavy metal poisoning present as emergencies. Chelation therapy offers a quick solution since it goes through the intravenous route and delivers immediate therapeutic effects.

‣ Possible alleviation of chronic disease symptoms: Chelation therapy has been touted as a possible remedy for autistic spectrum disorder, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases. Some studies reveal that the deposition of excess metals in the brain leads to these conditions and that chelation therapy is a possible solution.

‣ Potential cardiovascular effects: Di-sodium EDTA chelation therapy directly removes waste calcium in fatty plaques and other dysfunctional calcium accumulation in the body. Thus, it could start reversing the hardening of the arteries and return their natural elasticity and ability to deliver blood flow to the cardiac muscle. 

It can also reduce the debilitating effects of oxidative stress from oxygen ions and free radicals, thereby reducing vessel inflammation. 

‣ Rejuvenation: When mixed with vitamin and mineral formulas, IV chelation therapy benefits are often immediate. Due to the enhanced circulation that comes with magnesium added to the formulas, chelation for heavy metals allows patients to feel better circulation, which may permanently result in warmer hands and feet.   


In conclusion, chelation therapy treatment represents a powerful tool in the fight against heavy metal poisoning, offering a safe and effective means of detoxifying the body. With its ability to bind to a wide range of toxic metals and facilitate their elimination, chelation therapy has emerged as a cornerstone of modern detoxification protocols.

However, individuals considering chelation therapy must consult with qualified healthcare professionals to ensure its appropriateness and safety for their specific needs. By harnessing the power of chelation therapy, people can protect their health and well-being in an increasingly toxic world. Book your free 10-minute consultation with Dr. Collins at (858) 333-5196  to discuss how you may benefit from chelation therapy treatment.

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About The Author: Dr. Collins

Author: Dr. Collins

Dr. Collins is a Pacific Northwest native and University of Oregon graduate in biology and comparative religions, practicing Naturopathic Medicine. Committed to harmonizing ancient traditions with modern science, he prioritizes holistic patient care in Oregon.


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